原发性胆汁性胆管炎(primary biliary ...
Hepatic biliary adenofibroma is an exceedingly rare biliary neoplasm that primarily affects adults. It typically presents as a solitary mass composed of low-grade microcystic and tubuloglandular bile ...
Biliary tract disease describes any disease that affects the biliary tract the gall bladder, bile ducts and accompanying structures. Examples include primary sclerosing cholangitis, secondary ...
Circulating tumor DNA may be a prognostic biomarker for relapse and early recurrence detection in resected early-stage ...
Biliary tract cancer is a rare adenocarcinoma that occurs in a bile duct, often causing jaundice, pruritus and weight loss. The lesion may be papillary or flat and ulcerated. The tumour is often ...
Biliary tract cancers (BTCs) are rare malignancies arising from the bile ducts. The incidence of BTCs and the associated mortality is rising, risk factors are largely unknown, and early dignosis is ...
In 2015, the Chinese Society of Hepatology and the Chinese Society of Gastroenterology published a consensus on primary ...