Trish became a believer when she turned to Bikram Yoga to help her with a herniated ... we asked Trish Stratus to show us her top three yoga moves that you should do every day.
Yoga is about the spine and all the various ways it can move to keep you strong and supple. One way you can support your back is through core exercises, and this is where the single and double leg ...
It might be time to start up the sun salutations, as yoga, it transpires ... Do these poses slowly for best results. Repeat ...
With your weight balanced evenly, breathe in and let your belly drop towards your yoga mat - your tailbone, chest, and chin should rise as your stomach moves downward. Pause for a second ...
“Bikram yoga was an addiction,” says Tina Chagoury ... and our conversation takes me back to the hour I spent trying to move in a hellish 40ºC studio It was so painful that I couldn ...