After you pick through the classic shed hunting spots, you should also check out these underrated honey holes.
He’s also a long-time mule deer chaser and shed hunter. “Mule deer winter in bush-and-shrub habitats,” says Wait. “This means piñon, juniper, mountain mahogany, bitterbrush, and sagebrush. Look for ...
When Do deer Shed Their Antlers, Generally ... to make it through to spring—and you want those bucks to grow nice, big antlers for the coming fall.
Some of the biggest whitetail bucks ever to walk this earth were never fooled by a hunter, nor found dead by anyone. More than one had the headgear to become B&C and P&Y world records, but none is ...
(WDBJ) - In Buena Vista, a large deer known to many in the area as the ADS Buck has become legendary, mainly because of his massive antlers. In the last few weeks, his antler sheds have been found ...
Did that big buck make it? That’s what many wildlife watchers and deer hunters want to know as winter ends. Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can answer ...
I find deer hairs in the matted-down beds. Dogs can be a big asset in shed hunting. Before you go, give your dog a shed to sniff and so they understand what they are supposed to find. As the ...