Scientists knew the locations of the roosts and birthing grounds of bats living in Germany and Switzerland, but they didn’t know the timing of their migration, the speed of the journey or what ...
To uncover secrets to bat immunity, a team led by Irving and Michael Hiller, an evolutionary genomicist at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, sequenced the genomes of ten ...
BATS Europe uses two low-latency market data feeds to ensure an accurate midpoint is obtained during the course of trading. BATS” dark pool offers trading in UK, Austrian, Belgian, Danish, Dutch, ...
Bats are protected species under German nature conservation law and EU law and should also be specially protected as migratory species. This protection is conflicting with the expansion of wind ...
Originally tagged in Switzerland, the bats later dispersed, flying in a general northeastern direction to Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, reports Science’s Elizabeth Pennisi. The ...