A barn owl has been rescued after collapsing in an Essex field - from eating a rodent with poison in its system. The bird was unable to move, says RSPCA Animal Rescue Officer (ARO) Natalie Read.
Discover more about the many different types of birds found around the world with Cam and Sophie the barn owl from One Zoo Three. What are reptiles? Discover the cold-blooded world of reptiles ...
Jackal Creek residents gathered to witness the heartwarming return of a barn owl (tyto alba) to its home territory after a successful rescue and rehabilitation. Barn owls face numerous threats ...
What is a woodland habitat? Explore a woodland habitat with Cam and Sophie the barn owl from One Zoo Three, as they find out what animals can be found there. What is a habitat? Discover all the ...
The tragic incident occurred during a free flight training session for a bird show An owl at the Minnesota Zoo suffered a tragic fate after escaping a handler. In April, the Eurasian eagle owl ...