合作多回的 A BATHING APE® 与 adidas 再度携手,推出全新联名版本 Superstar 鞋款,提供「Footwear White」、「Blue」两款配色可选。 两款鞋设计上分别于外侧与内侧加入 BAPE STA、Three ...
BAPE and adidas’ long-standing partnership has led to many special footwear collaborations. In the duo’s multi-decade time ...
atmos 正通过独家合作来庆祝其成立 25 周年,其中包括与 BAPE 和阿迪达斯的备受期待的项目。这款特别套装重新诠释了标志性的阿迪达斯 Superstar,将 BAPE 的 ABC Camo 与优质材料融合在一起,以全新的方式演绎经典轮廓。
来自MSN6 个月
BAPE STA™ OS携活力配色迭代新生携带纯正街头基因和浓烈色彩辨识,BAPE STA™ OS全新鞋款兼具新潮视感与个性表达,无缝适配日常出街、盛装赴会等不同场合的造型需求。超越球鞋 ...
Two heads are better than one, yes – but one of our footwear highlights this week is the result of a collab by three epic ...
As for the footwear range, the star of the show is a Bape Sta sneaker done in a special Japanese fabric. Called the Sashiko Denim Bape Sta, Dillane dubbed the style the "shoe of the year." ...