Welcome to Microbiology! The overarching goals for the laboratory portion of this course are to teach microbiological techniques and to show students the impact of microbes on our daily lives and ...
Welcome to Microbiology! The overarching goals for the laboratory portion of this course are to teach microbiological techniques and to show students the impact of microbes on our daily lives and ...
Assistant Professor Andrew Monteith’s lab at the University of Tennessee is studying how neutrophils detect infection and why ...
In addition, quality control and antimicrobial susceptibility testing will be covered. HSCI.2110 Basic Lin Micro & Path, and HSCI.2130 Basic Clin Micro & Path Lab, or BIOL.2010 Gen Microbiology, and ...
designed to reinforce knowledge and skills gained in lecture and laboratory and at the same time introduce the student to the daily activities of the clinical microbiology laboratory. Emphasis will be ...