Mini Cooper, known simply as Mini, originated as a small economy car produced by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959. Over time, ownership of the Mini brand has passed through several ...
the Mini Cooper. Αλέξανδρος Αρνόλδος Κωνσταντίνος Ισηγόνης, as his Greek name was, designed the groundbreaking Mini, launched by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959. Forty years later, on the ...
The Coopers of the rallying world were red because they were run by the BMC factory competition ... I drive the 75, Mini announces a special edition of the current Cooper S called the 1to6 ...
3-door 4-seater hatchback. Stylish Italian mini-car by Bertone on standard BMC Mini platform and all front-drive running gear. The 90 had 49bhp and 1 litre, 120 had 65bhp from 1.3, and the De Tomaso ...
Can it be possible that, between 1959 and 2023, there have only been four distinct generations of Mini? Besides the 1959 British Motor Corporation (BMC) original, it’s just been a trio of hatchback ...