AriZona Iced Tea first put its iconic 99-cent cans in stores in 1992. The price hasn't gone up even a penny in the 32 years since. "People say, 'How do you do it?'" the brand's chairman and ...
At the time, a gallon of whole milk was $1.13, a gallon of gas was the exact same, and a 23-oucne can of Arizona iced tea was ...
Those simple words, which are now going viral much like the Netflix repost did, are striking a chord with those on social media. Individuals online can’t help but notice that as other companies pass ...
Arizonaicedtea (99cents) is inspired from a famous beverage brand which we used to enjoy in our childhood remembering its memories that created so many joyful moments across our generations.
With Southwest Airlines introducing new fees, AriZona Iced Tea wants you to know they’re keeping their prices grounded. After 54 years, the airline announced its reversing their “bags fly free ...
Join AriZona in their fight to stop inflation. Use your cents card to reach 99 cents without going over. On your turn, play one card and announce the new total, then draw back up to four cards.
Friday night in East Williamsburg, or was it Bushwick? Either way, down Ten Eyck Street, the spacious Chemistry Creative ...
“OK, look at this,” they instruct, placing two cans of Razzleberry Peace Tea next to each other. One can is larger, and the other is shorter. Kiera refers to the larger can as the “regular ...
The world premiere of AriZona Iced Tea's Taiwan tour video, Jackpots & Bullet Trains, a photo show from photographers Blair Alley and Rodrigo Cabrejas, musical performance by Lily Jeanette ...
The SVU star partnered with the restaurant chain to celebrate National Iced Tea Day, which falls on June 10. “I started working with Raising Cane's about three years ago in Arizona. They weren't ...
Happy Honu Shave Ice is opening near 91st Avenue and Union Hills Drive. It serves refreshing shave ice, Dole Whip and ice cream from the Island of Kauai.