The ascending aorta includes the aortic root and sinuses of Valsalva where the blood supply to your heart ... The aorta continues on down to the descending aorta that further supplies blood to the ...
Sara Adair knows the symptoms of aortic dissections. The hospital analyst's father and sister each experienced the dangerous cardiac condition, when the inner lining of the body's main artery tears ...
The blood pressure may be elevated. A murmur of aortic regurgitation can occur if the aortic root is dilated from the dissection. Neurologic deficits can be seen if the carotid artery is involved ...
Aortic regurgitation occurs when blood flows retrograde (backwards) across the aortic valve from the aorta into the left ventricle during diastole. This abnormal backflow of blood leads to ...
Operative experience is gained in the repair of aneurysms and dissection of the ascending aorta, arch, descending aorta and thoracoabdominal aorta as well as aortic root and aortic valve repair and ...