Lower doses of a common antibiotic can curb hair loss caused by a rare skin condition, a new study says. The antibiotic ...
Increased antibiotic use can lead, seemingly paradoxically, to more problematic infections, as the bacteria evolve to resist ...
Small amounts of a common antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug can curb symptoms where a misplaced immune reaction (e.g., ...
Some notoriously difficult-to-treat infections may not be as resistant to antibiotics as has been thought, according to new ...
The antibiotic teixobactin—developed a decade ago by Northeastern University professors Kim Lewis and Slava Epstein in ...
Some notoriously difficult to treat infections may not be as resistant to antibiotics as has been thought, according to new ...
Microplastics, like the ones pictured here, have been linked to several health concerns. Researchers from Boston University ...
Hospital sink drains are a hidden reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, highlighting the urgent need for stricter ...
Microplastics provide an excellent bacterial breeding ground that may be contributing to the growing problem of ...
Microplastics have made their way up food chains, accumulated in oceans, clustered in clouds and on mountains.
Boston researchers found that bacteria exposed to microplastics became resistant to multiple types of common antibiotics ...
Tasmania's Environment Protection Authority has found low levels of antibiotic present in fatty salmon globules that have ...