Keep reading to learn about your trap muscles and how to get them in top shape! The trapezius muscle is a group of muscle fibers that form a trapezoid shape in the back. It covers part of the neck ...
In the thoracic region, m. trapezius medius, m. trapezius distalis and m. serratus anterior on the convex side appeared to be weaker compared to concave side, and m. rhomboideus on the concave side ...
To allow antagonistic pairs to work efficiently, other muscles called fixators assist by supporting and stabilising the joint and the rest of the body. The trapezius muscle can act as a fixator ...
Conclusions: According to the acquired results, we conclude that IZ and MTrPs are located in well-defined areas in upper trapezius muscle. Moreover, MTrPs in upper trapezius are proximally located ...
Objective First, to look for appropriate closed kinetic chain exercises to restore intramuscular imbalance between upper trapezius (UT) and serratus anterior (SA) in overhead athletes. Second, to ...