Become present in your body. Start to breathe into the feeling. Give it your undivided attention. This is where your feelings ...
Mindful self-compassion can help women validate their anger and express it in skillful ways to advocate for themselves and ...
What do you do when you feel angry? We recognize that there’s a lot of anger being expressed in the world today. Sometimes it’s between countries, and sometimes anger happens closer to ...
Aging is challenging in a variety of ways that can lead to anger arousal. The challenge in addressing such anger is in ...
We feel sorry because we cry,' wrote philosopher and psychologist William James, 'angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble,' suggesting that emotional bodily responses like crying cause ...
In his new book, Shift, psychologist and neuroscientist Ethan Kross busts common assumptions about how to manage big feelings ...
Anger is a natural emotion that is meant to alert and energise us when there is a need to change a harmful situation ...