[Peter] built a machine to do the work for him ... produces real data that could not be otherwise obtained. An Open Source MRI is the perfect project for the Hackaday Prize’s Citizen Science ...
Through our use of the most up-to-date, open standard technology ... the Dameca MRI 508 can function as a conventional anesthesia machine in the operating theatre.
portable Anesthesia Machine specifically designed for surgical locations where space or access is limited, such as Office Based Anesthesia and MRI scan rooms, or any location where size ...
Prince Edward Island's first private clinic for magnetic resonance imaging is set to open in Summerside this spring, says one of the new diagnostic centre's owners.
a nurse was crushed in a freak accident with an MRI machine. According to the report, the MRI's magnetic force caused the bed to be "pulled uncontrollably" into the machine. Nurse Ainah Cervantes ...
MUSC is taking a step toward advancement with the installation of an upright MRI machine as a part of their Operation Upright campaign. The new machine was unveiled Monday morning with guest ...