Dive into the amazing woodcutting expertise as a century-old oak is carefully transformed into large, valuable slabs. Witness the precision and skill required to handle such a massive tree ...
A village's battle continues to save a 60-year-old oak tree planted to commemorate the death of Sir Winston Churchill. Outline planning permission was granted for a housing development in April ...
Hundreds of species of creatures most of us don’t notice are overwintering or pupating -- burrowed into soil, leaf litter, ...
David Kabalin The Tree of Freedom in Rab, Croatia, is a 105-year-old holm oak that stands as a symbol of community and heritage. Generations have cherished it, with many families passing down ...
An oak taken from a tree at Richard III's childhood home has been planted at Bosworth Battlefield to commemorate the Plantagenet king. The planting has taken place to mark 10 years since the royal's ...
A 500-year-old oak tree in a forest in northern Germany has been connecting lovers for more than a century. The Bridegroom's Oak, known as “Bräutigamseiche” in German, has a famous knothole ...
This old oak tree has been growing here for hundreds of years. It stands here in all weathers getting bigger and bigger. Every autumn, the leaves drop off and oak trees become bare. This doesn't ...
their expected lifespan The willow oak tree near Duke University Chapel on Abele Quad was removed on Tuesday, December 17 and a Jefferson elm tree was planted in the same spot on Thursday, December 19 ...