While pink is their signature color, plenty of Fairy-types don't include it in their palettes at all. Rather, the design philosophy that most defines the Fairy-type is a shared sense of cuteness ...
Thankfully, the Bugs of the Pokemon world would eventually get their due, which is reflected in an upcoming event. A new post ...
Pinsir is a rare and intimidating Bug-type ... Pokemon are fascinating creatures, and the way they are obtained varies quite a bit. True Pokedex completionists have acquired all of these hard ...
Gallade has plenty of attacks you can teach it, but what are the ones you should give it to give it the best moveset?
One fan artist from the Pokemon community designs a custom Eeveelution of their own which, like Eevee itself, exclusively ...
Funko has released 3 new Pokemon Pops: the water dragon Dratini, fairy-type doughy-dog Fidough, and the classically elegant ...
All details for the next monthly ... Everything in the Togetic line is a Fairy type, with Togetic and Togekiss gaining Flying type. (Image credit: pokemon.com) Fans of the anime will remember ...
one Fairy-type, and one Water- or Ground-type Pokémon – that will give you all the options you need to defeat Giovanni. For more Pokémon Go, check out the overviews of the monthly Spotlight ...