Some organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria are thought to be remnants of an ancient endosymbiosis. 19 Yeh gained plenty of experience with unusual endosymbiotic organelles during her work ...
The land plant chloroplast translocases were importing ATP and expelling ADP. Because the plastids of red algae and glaucophytes appear to resemble a more ancient form of the photosynthetic ...
THE polar lipid fractions from blue-green algae are usually simpler than those ... four acyl lipids that are commonly associated with chloroplasts, namely, mono-and di-galactosyl diglyceride ...
To explore how differences in translocase activity might shed light on chloroplast evolution, Mehta and his team studied the ...
In both plants and algae, this important process takes place in tiny, specialized places inside the cell called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts use the absorbed energy from the sun to convert carbon ...
A recent study by Chinese scientists has revealed the intricate molecular machinery driving energy exchange within chloroplasts, shedding light on a key event in the evolution of plant life.
This project was funded by the Academy of Finland in 2014-2017, and focused on mixotrophy, i.e. the ability of algae to use organic nutrients or phagotrophy in addition to photosynthesis and inorganic ...