Well, we have the answer for you. According to the NHS, it takes one hour to break down one unit of alcohol. One alcohol unit ...
Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) only affects the price of the cheapest alcohol. A 50p MUP (as currently implemented in Wales) corresponds to £1.14 for a standard pint of beer, or £4.69 for a bottle of wine ...
The policy passed in September 2019 as part of the motion Stop Brexit to Save the NHS and Social Care, which said we supported: "Investing in a more coherent and evidence-based strategy to reduce harm ...
Drinkaware provides information about alcohol units, how alcohol affects us, drink driving and the legal alcohol limit, plus advice on how to cut down. Drinkline is a confidential helpline for ...
Heavy drinking contributes to a strain on the NHS and society as a whole. But a new minimum unit pricing policy could be a solution. Off It’s no secret that too much alcohol can have painful ...