We are retired State of Alaska wildlife biologists who have each lived in Alaska for 49 or more years and worked as professional wildlife biologists for 25 or more years. We have closely reviewed ...
It was unmistakably a bat, the first I had seen in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife biologist Karen Blejwas confirmed that my surprise wasn’t unfounded. Blejwas said the ...
Brian Ridley, chief of Tanana Chiefs Conference, an Alaska Native nonprofit corporation ... a road would harm their communities, land and wildlife. Sullivan accused the administration of ...
Interior Alaska’s major tribal consortium will be ... the full board of directors for the Tanana Chiefs Conference voted Thursday in favor of a resolution to restore membership with AFN.
“I’m excited that we get to keep breeding these animals to keep contributing to bison conservation in Alaska,” Alaska Wildlife Conservation ... winter in the lower Tanana River region ...