These clarifying devices draw in air pollutants, trap them with filters, and disseminate clean air back into your space. A HEPA filter is theoretically rated to capture at least 99.97 percent of ...
To combat hay fever or pet allergies, your air purifier should be equipped with a High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing (HEPA) filter. "These filters can remove up to 99.97% of small airborne ...
Furthermore, air purifiers that can filter particles smaller than 0.3 microns are ideal, he says. “Mycotoxins, for instance, are 0.1 microns and could pass through a HEPA filter and back into ...
Line up and latch the air filter housing back into place. This can be finicky when realigning all the housing clips. When the housing is closed, close the car’s hood. If you don’t change your ...
Learn more. In our tests, we gauge how well an air filter removes dust, pollen, and smoke from the air, and see how freely air flows through the filter at any fan speed. We also calculate the ...