周四,德意志银行分析师将Adidas AG (ADS:GR) (OTC: ADDYY)的股票目标价从此前的300欧元下调至280欧元,但仍维持买入评级。尽管该公司认可阿迪达斯自2024年4月以来的运营效率和强劲的盈利势头,但仍作出了这一调整。根据InvestingPro数据显示,阿迪达斯在纺织品、服装和奢侈品行业中保持着重要地位,市值达到459亿美元。 分析师指出,尽管公司持续展现积极的盈利表现, ...
Adidas ADS-0.68%decrease; red down pointing triangle is targeting continued sales growth and market-share gains this year, as arch-rival Nike NKE-1.30%decrease; red down pointing triangle seeks a ...
周四,伯恩斯坦分析师对Adidas AG (ADS:GR) (OTC: ADDYY)保持积极展望,重申"跑赢大市"评级,目标价为EUR300.00。该股目前交易价格为$120.13,市值427.2亿美元,根据 InvestingPro 技术指标显示,该股最近已进入超卖区域。在与公司投资者关系部门就2024年全年业绩进行一系列会议后,分析师强调了几个支持他们对这家运动服装制造商持乐观态度的关键点。
For example, the adidas AG (ETR:ADS) share price is up 30% in the last 1 year, clearly besting the market return of around 17% (not including dividends). That's a solid performance by our standards!
Luckily, there will be no need for legal action in this situation. The adidas ad is similar, but far from any form of plagiarism. Adidas has borrowed language from iconic marketing campaigns ...