Leading the way are the terrifying Raveners. This is a smaller five-operative Kill Team, which keeps things elite and brutal.
The deadly Raveners get their first new miniatures in over a decade thanks to a new Warhammer 40K: Kill Team boxed set, along ...
Kill Team is finally getting a Tyranid Kill Team! And it's ravenous. Say hello to the upcoming Kill Team Typhon Box!
The Adeptus Mechanicus tested many of their deadliest weapons during the Horus Heresy. And next week, you can pre-order some ...
New customization options and balance changes to Space Marine 2 are also coming in Patch 7.0, giving you new ways to approach the added Operation. You can experiment with new chan ...
Games Workshop released its latest Warhammer 40,000 dataslate, which provides army changes across multiple armies in the tabletop miniatures game.