近年来,随着医学领域对中药药理作用的认识不断深化,中药在慢性疾病管理中的独特优势已获得国内外医学界的广泛认可。临床证据表明,津力达颗粒的应用降低了代谢异常受试者患糖尿病的风险[1],还有利于改善糖尿病肾脏病(DKD)患者的肾功能[2],但其具体的作用 ...
AMPK phosphorylates metabolic enzymes, transcription factors and co-activators that promote ATP-producing catabolic pathways and inhibit ATP-consuming biosynthetic pathways. It also inhibits cell ...
为解决颗粒暴露引发炎症疾病的机制问题,研究人员开展研究,揭示了AMPK-TFEB/TFE3-DNMT3A/DOT1L轴调控溶酶体酸化基因,JNK-AP-1 ...
New research suggests that drugs like Ozempic may provide more health benefits than previously thought. These medications, ...
Our findings demonstrate that SOX9 overexpression alleviates hepatic lipid accumulation in MASH by activating the AMPK pathway. These results highlight SOX9 as a promising therapeutic target for ...
Mice given LCA in low doses, for example, were found to produce more of a protein called AMPK, which has been linked to slowing muscle atrophy. The work involved tracking changing levels of ...