AFM is revolutionizing nanobiotechnological research. Within a decade, this unconventional microscope has evolved into a multifunctional toolbox. For the first time, single cellular machineries ...
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a way to investigate the surface features of some materials. It works by “feeling” or “touching” the surface with an extremely small probe. This provides a ...
Conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) is a powerful nanoscale characterization technique that combines the high-resolution imaging capabilities of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with the ability ...
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a type of scanning probe microscopy that is used to see and measure surface topography, conduct force measurements or manipulate a sample’s surface. It can have nearly ...
Developed as a way to image the surface of materials, atomic force microscopy is revealing new insights into molecular processes in cells. The invention of the optical microscope in the ...
Researchers in our Atomic force microscopy (AFM) facility specialise in imaging and force measurement on biological systems, from the sub-molecular level through to cells and tissue. Off We currently ...
Electrochemical atomic force microscopy (EC-AFM) is a powerful analytical technique that combines the high-resolution imaging capabilities of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with electrochemical ...
Fast-scanning atomic force microscopy imaging of the molecule at two different time points shows positional shifts along the ...
Kanazawa University, observe the configuration of different dipeptides on graphite electrodes and the subsequent arrangement of catalytic hemin on them to get an idea of the factors affecting its ...
Light and electron microscopy each have their distinct limitations – with light it becomes increasingly difficult to resolve ...
Atomic force microscopy is a subset of scanning probe microscopy. The Veeco Dimension 3000 operates in both tapping and contact modes, with capabilities of topographic and phase imaging, lateral force ...