The ADC tier list is ranked on the ADC champions' current strength and effectiveness in the current meta. The top-tier champions are considered the best choices for the ADC role at that time.
League of Legends 14.11 has seen a significant shift in the Bot Lane meta, with the best ADC champions having a much easier time climbing the ranked ladder. The ones who are at the very top of the ...
First Stand 2025 is in the history books and we are here to tell you the five most picked champions at the event.
While she hasn't featured all that much yet, expect to see more of Qiyana in the coming days. Ezreal is one of those champions that every ADC player keeps in their back pocket for when the time is ...
Mid lane champions are often the damage carry for their ... Here are the best mid laners in League of Legends: The ADC role (Attack Damage Carry) is important in any League of Legends team.
Answer: The champion who says “Guns and swords go together like rice and saffron” is the Desert Rose, Samira.
Based on the recent patches, we have curated a tier list of champions for March 2025. They are divided into different roles in the title: Baron/Top, Mid, ADC, Jungle, and Support. This article ...