Research shows that about one quarter of 401(k) participants don't contribute enough to qualify for the maximum matching contribution from their employer. Your Human Resources department can tell ...
Conventional retirement is rapidly going the way of the Oldsmobile and Saturday mail delivery. Our new antiretirement guide. Edited By Janet Novack and Michael Noer ...
In a perfect world, you would save just as much money as you needed for retirement in your 401(k). But sometimes people end up saving more than they can spend before they die. When that happens ...
Vesting in your 401(k) plan means that you own it. While you already own the amount you personally deposit in your 401(k) plan, you don't own your employer's contributions to the account until you ...
What should I do in the 5 years before retirement? If you haven’t been tracking all this already, this is the time to calculate how much money you will need and how much income you can expect to ...