Alois Rockstuhl, Musée de Tzarskoé-Sélo, ou collection d'armes de sa majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, St Pétersbourg, 1835-53 (pl. CL) Musée des armes rares, ancieñes et Orientales. De Sa ...
This site contains images from paintings the late 15th and early 16th century by artists working primarily in the mid- and northern regions of Italy. (Well that's the plan anyway--right now there are ...
Alois Rockstuhl, Musée de Tzarskoé-Sélo, ou collection d'armes de sa majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, St Pétersbourg, 1835-53 (pl. 11) Musée des armes rares, ancieñes et Orientales. De Sa ...
16th century); 18) Italian book ornament; 19) Initial D (mass-book) with the five bullets of the Medici coat of arms; 20) Four quarters of Italian majolica tiles; 21) French miniature art; 22) from ...
He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ... The notebooks contain careful sketches and diagrams annotated with notes in ...
Each Italian city and territory developed distinctive characteristics: in Venice, for example, the influence of Islamic decorations was recorded, while Rome adopted a sumptuous style linked to papal ...