Cangshan Mountain


(335) · 大理白族自治州, 中国 中的 徒步旅行区
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4.5/5 · 335 条评论
【大理苍山】 苍山,是云岭山脉南端的主峰,由十九座山峰由北而南组成,北起洱源邓川,南至下关天生桥,最高的马龙峰海拔4122米。雄伟壮丽的苍山横亘大理境内,山顶白雪皑皑,银妆素裹,人称“苍山雪”。 交通 1、古城内有很多出租车可到苍山脚下,然后从山脚坐缆车上山 2、从大理古城苍山门出来,沿着214国道步行至逸仙路,转向西,前行约1公里可达苍山大索道 3、古城乘坐4路公交至感通寺站下车,沿南边学校门…Tourist38811的完整评论
浑浑噩噩,飘飘忽忽,天地在眼前颠倒,世界在脑中旋转,历史在心中更加清晰,色彩在眼里更加斑斓。 在这画一般的景色里。 映照出诗仙飘逸豪迈,见证着辛弃疾慷慨悲歌,也流露出柳永的清新婉约,冲动了多少村夫莽汉,流逝了多少英雄豪杰!  全部评论


I am going to Mt CangShan in 2 weeks, don’t know which tour to pick since I am bring 2 senior women and a teenager boy. …
I am going to Mt CangShan in 2 weeks, don’t know which tour to pick since I am bring 2 senior women and a teenager boy. I am afraid that there are a lots of walking might not fit both 76 members, planning take cable car up to enjoy the view then take same cable car down. Really need recommendations, thank you!
You might wish to take the cable car from the northern entrance. There are no stairs there and the path is quite level at the top. The southern entrance starts with quite a few steps and …
You might wish to take the cable car from the northern entrance. There are no stairs there and the path is quite level at the top. The southern entrance starts with quite a few steps and only after that is the path level. It is too long a trip for your party, including the elderly people, to walk from the northern cable car to the southern one, which we did. You can go up the northern cable car. there is a treemple at the top and a nice level path.
回答者:Marshall G · 2018年8月12日
Can we do camping in cangshan at night time?
sorry for a late reply. I'm sorry I don't know because I haven't been on top. However, along the snake path there are many spots that could serve as a good camping spot. I am not …
sorry for a late reply. I'm sorry I don't know because I haven't been on top. However, along the snake path there are many spots that could serve as a good camping spot. I am not entirely sure whether it is allowed by local authorities.
回答者:Mantas D · 2017年7月19日
糟糕! 出现问题了,请几分钟后再试
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